Maintaining Our Standard of Excellence
Lou-Ellen Barkan
Founding Director

Last month, I attended a retirement dinner for an old friend. The room was overflowing with Ruth’s colleagues from thirty years in business and her many friends. Also present were appreciative board and staff members from a host of community-based organizations benefitting from Ruth’s generosity. The accolades flowed during the presentations. But what I remember best was a comment made by one speaker.
“We are here,” she said, “to honor and celebrate a woman who represents ‘the gold standard’ in everything she does.”
The gold standard. I considered the phrase: a standard of enduring excellence representing the best of class. Intuitively, I could name a few individuals and organizations that could be described as the gold standard; each successful in achieving their goals and mission and demonstrating qualities of honesty, reliability, kindness, and clear communication.
Hopefully, we all know a few people who meet this test. But how many organizations can we name that demonstrate consistent excellent performance combined with adherence to the important qualities listed above? After sixteen years with CaringKind, I’m proud that the community considers CaringKind to be the gold standard in Alzheimer’s and dementia care.
When CaringKind staff delivers resources, service, and programs to individuals and families affected by a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or a related dementia, they communicate with empathy and honesty. Staff members know that each family and individual has a unique situation that will require an honest assessment of the challenges ahead. But in every case, staff ensures that clients are treated with dignity and kindness.
I often invite the public to visit our
offices — to see the work, meet the staff, ask questions. Those who visit confirm that we are doing unique and critical work with a standard of excellence unmatched in the community. After more than thirty-five years delivering services, CaringKind remains the gold standard in dementia care.
If you or anyone you know needs our help, visit our website,
call our Helpline at 646-744-2900, or stop by to visit our offices located at 360 Lexington Avenue, 3rd Floor. I look forward to welcoming you.