Do you know a caregiver whose story exudes commitment, affection, and unwavering love? Nominate them, or even yourself, as a CaringKind Caregiver Champion, and help spotlight the essential role caregivers play, especially in enhancing the lives of those affected by Alzheimer’s and other dementia.

We invite you to engage with our CaringKind Caregiver Champions program, a collective of devoted and empathetic individuals who form the bedrock of our efforts to aid those impacted by Alzheimer’s and other dementia. This unique opportunity allows you to nominate someone or apply yourself to be part of the distinguished Caregiver Champions Class of 2023 through our online nomination process. Please note, this is a rolling nomination process and will continue throughout the year. We welcome all nominations, and all Caregivers will be celebrated in various ways

Throughout the month of November, we encourage individuals to share their compelling caregiving stories. You can choose to express your story through a written post or in a video format, illustrating why this caregiver is deserving of recognition as a Caregiver Champion.

As a token of our appreciation, the first nominated 25 champions will be honored guests at the inaugural Caregiver Appreciation Luncheon Fashion Show on November 30th . All nominated throughout the month of November will be recognized Caregiver Champions as the Class of 2023 and will be invited to join in a photoshoot at CaringKind honoring our champions.

Why Caregiver Champion?


Celebrate caregivers' silent, persistent endeavors.


Be a voice, raising Alzheimer’s and other dementia awareness.


Join a community of like-minded individuals who share similar experiences and challenges.


Make valuable connections with others who understand your journey.


Access cutting-edge information and workshops on caregiving.


Share your narrative, offering hope to others on a similar journey.

Exclusive Events

Enjoy special gatherings like the Caregiver Appreciation Luncheon Fashion Show.


Contribute to CaringKind's mission, effecting real, positive change.


Amplify self-worth and purpose, knowing the difference you make.

The Caregiver Champion program offers caregivers a chance to be celebrated, supported, and empowered while making a difference in the lives of those affected by Alzheimer’s and other dementia. It's a rewarding and enriching experience that provides a sense of purpose and a supportive community to lean on during their caregiving journey.

Our Caregiver Champions represent more than just a title; they are the bedrock of CaringKind's unique initiatives for those affected by Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. We would be deeply honored if you would consider nominating someone deserving to join this exceptional group.

Champion the cause, share your story or that of another, and inspire future caregivers with tenacity and heart. Your contribution fuels our mission, and we're here for you, every step of the way.