
As a Caregiver Champion, you work to ensure that CaringKind continues to provide the life-changing programs that our community depends on. Yes, you support CaringKind through your personal donations and fundraising through events like our annual Alzheimer's Walk. But you also help CaringKind by being our brand ambassadors - talking to your friends, family, and colleagues about the critical work that we do nonstop, every single day.

After all, Alzheimer's and dementia never give up. And neither can we.

We've created this Caregiver Champions program to recognize you for the critical role you play. But we also created this program to help you learn more about CaringKind so that you can be the best advocates possible. To that end, Caregiver Champions like you will receive special communications from CaringKind, first looks at upcoming projects, as well as exclusive invitations to participate in events unique to the Caregiver Champions program. So, if you're already a Caregiver Champion featured on our Honor Wall below, thank you.

If you'd like become a Champion, let us know by requesting an invitation to join by using the link below.

The challenge of Alzheimer's and dementia caregiving is greater than ever, but I believe that we can rise to the challenge. Together.


Liz Hamburg
Dick Helstein
Carol Lenz
Patricia Gibbs


Nicole Weingartner
David Roth
Carol Zwick
Daniel Kenner
Linda Maxwell
Joyce Davis
Kathryne Fassbender
Maria Scaros
Rich Russo
Crystal Hudson
Gary Gepner
Andy Cramer
Julietta Guarino
Molly Fisher
Steve Katz
Susanne Bengtsson
Xiao Xin Cui
Robert Sakowitz
Warachal Faison
Warren Hoge
Tim Bailey
Keith Amparado
Jim and Geri Taylor
Gurney Williams III
Adonis Filpo
Andy To
Britt Burner
Candace Douglas
Carol Roye
Dr. Ran Y. Rubinstein
Janine Olivia
Jed Levine
Jennifer Cornwall
Jennifer Rivera
Kathy Livingston
Kyle Budinscak
Laura Radensky
Lou-Ellen Barkan
Marlene Wong
Mary Robertson
Melissa Sheehan
Paul Cravinho, Beth Weeks
Rebecca Judd
Sandy Luo
Susan Strassberger
Thomas Smith
William Senders


      1. Serve with distinction among others who care about Alzheimer’s and dementia caregiving.

      CaringKind will provide opportunities for our Champions to connect with each other virtually and in person.

      2. Attend the annual luncheon for Caregiver Champions.

      CaringKind will create an annual luncheon to recognize the work that our Champions do throughout the year.

      3. Receive exclusive sneak peaks of upcoming initiatives.

      Before launching any program, CaringKind will give our Champions first looks at any new initiatives or announcements.